I finally got sick of loading the processing icons manually each time I start PixInsight, so I looked up how to get them to load automatically. The answer, it turns out, was embarrassingly easy!

Step 1. Open up Windows Explorer, and go to the folder where your process icons file is saved.
Right-click on your processes file, and choose “Copy as path”.
Step 2. Find your PixInsight icon where you normally start the application. Instead of starting the program however, right click on it and select Properties. (If you can’t see Properties as an option, you may have to click “Open file location”, and then right click on the PixInsight icon within that folder and select Properties.)
Step 3. On the Shortcut tab of the properties dialog, go to the Target text field, and after the PixInsight.exe” paste in the file location that is in your clipboard. It should look something like this:

And that’s it! Next time you start PixInsight using that shortcut, it will load up your process icons once it has finished starting! Happy processing!